Welcome, London Kennedy | A Birth Story

Yesterday, on October 3, this world gained a new, precious and perfect little life. Help me welcome London Kennedy!

It was my honor and privilege to photograph these very special family moments a couple hours after she was born. Blake and Jessica's beautiful (and smooth!) home birth was only two hours long. After 3-4 pushes, their sweet baby was born and they announced that it was a girl. A very short time later, after lots of snuggles, Jess was up and moving around like a champ. Sullivan, their 21-month-old son, had a much more challenging birth, which makes London's birth that much more of a blessing.  London weighed in at 7.5 pounds (nearly 2 pounds lighter than Sullivan had weighed at birth!) and 20.5 inches long. It was all so amazing—I teared up when Sullivan came into their bedroom to meet his little sister for the first time.

Here are a few photo highlights...