Chatbooks rock and here's why


I love seeing our son get excited about printed photos of us together. When we look through the pages of our little photo books, he excitedly points out all the people he recognizes, saying "Mama" and "Dada" when he sees us, and motioning to every ball, dog, wheel and lawn mower he sees.

The photo book shown here is one of our many Chatbooks. They are the best! Even as a photographer, my habits for printing my own personal photos are terrible. With Chatbooks, it takes all the thought and work out of it! I have my account connected to a specific hashtag on my Instagram feed, so photos, captions, dates and locations are pulled into my book series automatically. As soon as 60 pages are filled, I get a notification to modify anything I'd like and it's sent right to my mailbox (all for only $10). It's brilliant! Simple, but serves its purpose to display our past memories in a tangible way. Annnnnd, if something happens to one, it's an easy reprint.

A while back, I wrote a whole blog post about what I do with my personal photos. It included details about Chatbooks (and a link to get your first one free!). Check it out and join the fun!

Chad & AmberAmberComment