Being Present in Parenthood


When you have kids, the concept of "time" becomes all distorted and mysterious. On one hand, they are growing so quickly right under your nose, but on the other hand, the days can begin to feel long, monotonous, and "normal." If we're not careful as parents, we can become disengaged without even realizing it.

I stumbled across this quote about parenthood and it gave me a check-point to prevent me from checking out. Am I soaking in the moments, putting my phone down, paying attention, embracing small details, observing traits, and being fully present when I'm with my child? Am I working so hard at securing a future for my child that I'm working myself out of his present? Years from now, what memories will my child have about me and with me?

"To be in your children's memories tomorrow, you have to be in their lives today." —Unknown