Posts tagged parents
God Will Supply Our Needs | A Spiritual-Parenting Parallel

When our son was about nine months old, he was going through a phase where he would throw fits if he wasn't getting something he wanted immediately. My level of annoyance had reached a new high, and I found myself in a silly monologue with him, like he could understand my reasoning. Afterward, it hit me—so THIS is how God sometimes feels about me as his child! 

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My Most Challenging Aspect of Becoming a Parent

Becoming a parent is certainly—by far—the most challenging transition I’ve ever experienced, and simultaneously the most beautiful and rewarding. Everything about becoming a first-time parent is hard. But, if I’m honest, the most challenging aspect I experienced personally was the unsolicited advice I received from others. In today's blog post I'm sharing a perspective that will hopefully encourage any other new parents who are experiencing the same challenge.

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But My Pre-baby Dreams Are Collecting Dust

I've always been a very optimistic person—my glass has never been half empty. But as I began setting my 2017 goals and reflecting on my 2016 accomplishments (or seeming lack thereof), it was as if I had watched the water of my life's glass just evaporate right in front of me and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I began to feel overwhelmed with regret and disappointment at what I was unable to accomplish, even though 2016 was probably the best year of my life. Why? Well, I'm about to get REAL with you and I'm hoping there are other moms—especially new moms—out there, particularly, who will listen, relate with me, and maybe even press on with me.

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Things new moms may not admit they need

"Here's my wallet," he said to me on our way into Target while pushing the stroller. "Go order something over there at Starbucks and sit while I pick up what we need in the store with Elias." Really??? How did I get so lucky to have such a sensitive husband and dedicated father to our son?? I absolutely LOVE being a mom, but with a 24/7 laser-focus on the needs of someone else, I rarely stop to consider how far away I have pushed my own needs and desires. In this post, I talk about 8 things I haven't admitted or realized I have needed.

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The Grafenauer Family | Real Life Session '15

This is the story of a young family of five. It's a family that loves well, plays hard and works together. James, Olivia and Amelia get along so well together, but they're not afraid to do their own thing, either. I've never met a set of parents with more patience and tender care than Andy and Kim! I think you'll love the everyday moments captured in this documentary, Real Life Session.

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