boys' retreat

October 15-17, I was honored to head up to Green Lake, WI at a campsite called Camp Grow with 19 middle school and high school boys. We stayed in a cabin, hung out together and learned about Joseph on a weekend boys' retreat. We learned how Joseph endured hardships, thanked God for his life and how to forgive people who have hurt you in the past. I was able to get to know a lot of new students. I also want to thank Devin, Al, Dale and Tom for their leadership and taking the time to spend time with some awesome students.

My favorite parts of the retreat were the activities. We did archery, kayaking, shooting potato guns and playing capture the flag at midnight. We did have an injury though, which was me. During capture the flag, I ended up running into a well cap causing me to flip through the air. When I landed, I realized that my knee was extremely swollen. Thankfully, nothing was broken or torn. I just have a lingering, ginormous bruise that will take 6 to 8 weeks to heal. Ouch!