We're back and feeling rested
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Written by Amber - |
Well, Chad and I are back to our regular office hours!
As you may know, we took the month of January to refresh, unplug, and dream a bit—a battery recharge, so to speak. (You can read about the decision to reverse our time for a month in this post.) We kept a few design projects going, but mostly we spent the month refreshing our creative ideas, relaxing, praying, reading, exercising, traveling (more on that here), asking lots of important questions, dreaming big and spending time with friends and family.
One of the highlights of this time was a visit from my youngest sister, Heidi. She came over from Michigan on the train and we spent six days at our apartment together. She and I caught up, watched movies, did puzzles, went to the Milwaukee Zoo (yes, we realize it's winter), enjoyed an evening at an improv comedy show (Comedy Sportz!), went shopping, went sledding, and did plenty of gazing at our beautiful backyard (Lake Michigan). The pictures above are from her visit.
Last weekend, Chad and I also celebrated our sixth wedding anniversary! What a blessing.
Probably more than any other time in my life, this past month has taught me what it means to truly REST. Typically, I'm awful at the concept of resting. My mind is always reeling on something, working on something or planning something, I'm constantly plugged into social media, and I'm always in a hurry. Looking at the whole of our culture right now, I realize I'm not alone, but that doesn't make it okay. Being intentional about resting this month gave my mind, body and spirit a chance to breathe. Chad and I were both able to re-center our lives, our thoughts and our hearts. We seriously feel like a new people with brand new motivation!
I double-dog dare you to do the same...
If you can't swing an entire month of this kind of intentional REST, I still encourage you to try something similar—one week? once a week? an hour a day? You will NOT be sorry you did. It's so healthy! Now, don't take the time to just "veg". The idea is to get out of your regular routine, but to keep your mind active. Learn something new every day. Read. Watch a funny video (just one!). Watch less television. Color. Be crafty. Ignore social media. Pray more and spend time listening for God's voice. Eat healthier. Play outside. Play inside. Call a friend you haven't talked to in a while. Do what you love to do but don't ever give yourself time to do.
I love these words of Jesus as paraphrased in The Message (Matthew 11:28-30), “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”