Finally some snow in Raleigh!

It's finally snowing in Raleigh! I know, I know.... it's only two inches deep so far, but I'll take it! This is our first winter in Raleigh, North Carolina since moving here from Wisconsin five months ago.
If you know me well, you know I L-O-V-E snow. Chad and I highly enjoy snow shoeing, sledding, tubing and photographing snow (among many other winter activities). Leaving "real winter" in the north to come down here was one of the reasons this move was a hard decision (yes, I realize I'm in the minority and I'm proud of it). These two shots of us are in Wisconsin—two of our most memorable snow days together.
Today in NC where we live, it's a snow day for students and even most work places. There are pretty, fluffy, snowglobe-style flakes falling everywhere around us. They're the kind that melt instantly upon slapping the surface of your skin or the road, but they are working hard to accumulate on trees and the ground to blanket everything with beauty. We've been wanting to make a trip into the mountains to fully enjoy winter where there IS snow in NC, but we haven't made it there yet.
Thankfully, today the snow came to us and it felt like "home." I left work at my desk for a quick half hour to snap a few photos of my favorite season. Even the smell of snow is giving me peace today. I can't get enough! If you're a lover of snow, too, here are a few of my image highlights...