What's the rush?


The art of preparation.
The art of distraction.
The art of going to bed early enough to wake up early enough.
The art of task list completion even when plans shift.
The art of keeping friends even though I’m now a terrible/forgetful communicator.
The art of keeping the house clean.
The art of dating my husband even if we’re not out “on dates.”
The art of chasing my dreams even though they seem to feel “on hold” sometimes.
The art of keeping up on email responses & photo editing with a 16-month-old at home. (Shhhhh, you supermoms of multiple children….I know, I know……but I’m still new at this.)

These are all the areas of life I’ve been trying to master as a mom lately. It’s a work in progress. It's kind of exhausting. I’m 16 months postpartum and feeling the most “put together” I’ve felt thus far as a mother (which may not be saying a whole lot).

BUT, when I give myself grace, stop comparing myself to others, soak in the present moments, chat with the neighbors every now & then, keep my eyes up (and off my phone), SLOW DOWN, let God lead me and simply enjoy the ride, THAT is precisely when I feel the most joy-filled; the most alive.

What's the rush?