new blog!

Hey friendly readers,

Over the weekend we migrated all of our old blog entries from our "adventures" and "amber" blogs to this new location. It's now ONE big blog, with separate categories. The home for this is Hopefully you'll enjoy these new categories as you continue to join us on our journey...

  • Adventures: we'll be talking about what we're up to in life & business, the adventures we find ourselves on in the day-to-day. We want you to see the "real life" side of us—without holding back our goofiness.
  • Spotlight: we'll be featuring small businesses, events, ministries, and people that we work with. You'll get to see our most recent work here, but more importantly, you'll get to hear the stories behind those projects/shoots—hopefully you'll begin to love our clients as much as we do!
  • Inspiration: we'll both be posting things that inspire us. This will include random photos that were taken for fun, any personal design we're working on, encouraging insights we receive from the Lord, and stories on every-day people who make an impact on our lives. Hopefully these things will inspire you, too!