Posts in Chad & Amber
How to diffuse arguments, in love

Love isn't always rosy. Last night we had an argument in the car. It was the kind of husband-wife “discussion” that began with a few assuming blanket statements, continued with escalating volume, and ended in ugly, shoulder-shrugging tears and seated, 4-year-old foot-stomping. Assuming we’re not the only couple in the world who fights, I thought this process of how we diffused our argument might help someone out there.

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Fight over flight: Choosing to love in marriage

As a wife, as a Christian, and also as a documentary photographer who often photographs weddings, I definitely place an extremely high priority on marriage. I believe a promise made in front of God and witnesses is a promise that should be kept forever. I believe that marriage vows aren't really "I promise to love you every day of my life" but rather "I promise to choose to love you every day of my life." BUT, I will be the first person to admit that keeping marriage vows is certainly NOT easy.

This post is a virtual hug for those who struggle in marriage and it includes a couple ideas that have helped Chad and I strengthen our marriage along the way.

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What a June that was!

This past month was one of the most exhausting months we've ever experienced, but one of the most meaningful, as well. Our last 28 days have held visits to 7 states for both business and pleasure. (That included 8 planes, 7 cars, a smattering of shuttle buses, and 10 different places to lay our heads at night.) Each trip was very special to us for different reasons! Although our bodies are tired and our suitcase is worn out, our hearts are SO full. What a blessing this month has been!

Here are some photo highlights from June...

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You are beautiful

We keep hearing about people these days who want to be like someone else, look like someone else, or be someone else altogether. I can’t say I have never had self-doubt or a lack of self-confidence (that would be a lie), but I am thankful that I’ve been surrounded by people who embrace life—the life they’ve been given; the life they’ve chosen to love—to the fullest. These are a few of my thoughts on why I believe you are beautiful.

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Outdoor adventures with friends

For the freedom we experience in this great country, I'm deeply grateful to our past veterans and current service men and women. For the Memorial Day weekend fun under the North Carolina sun, I'm pretty thankful for my stockpile of aloe. ...ouch. This post is all about a simple outdoor adventure with friends that transformed into an epic, outdoor upgrade—complete with iPhone photo highlights.

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Creativity & Collaboration are key

As creative people—graphic designers, photographers, and appreciators of anything "artsy"—creativity is what makes me and Chad tick; it's our language. Today on the blog, I'm talking about creativity in church and collaboration of community that makes us come alive. Last week we gathered in Charlotte with a bunch of photographers to learn & grow from one another. These are the highlights.

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Connect Retreat 2015 | Freedom in love

When Chad and I said "I do" at the altar 7 years ago, unfortunately there was no Magic Relationship Wand waved over us that ensured a perfect marriage from that point on. "Happily ever after" is something we have to work at daily. We make appointments each year to ensure we have clean teeth, a good bill of physical health, and a well-maintained car. Since our relationship is even more important than those things, how much MORE important is it for us to have a marriage check-up each year? These are the highlights from our marriage retreat this week.

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Passionately Pursuing Our Craft

"Don't worry, we're professionals," goes the joke which is usually followed by some kind of ironic foreshadowing to a job gone wrong. It seems anyone with a nice camera is a "professional photographer" these days. Yes, Chad and I have been full-time "professional photographers" since 2010, but that's not a phrase we take lightly. 

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Live, laugh, love | Sam beat cancer!

“Laugh as much as you breathe and love as much as you live.”

When I think about the challenging journey this newlywed couple has been through, I am amazed and inspired by their joyful spirits, their strong love, and the ways they care so deeply for one another, no matter what comes their way. We’re honored to be close friends of Kyle and Samantha and to witness [and learn from!] their unconditional love for one another.

This post is a testament of enduring love and a praise report for one who beat cancer.


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Wise builders of marriage

"The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock." –Matthew 7:25 NIV

Chad and I have been married for seven years. We do NOT consider ourselves marriage experts, but we have learned a few things along the way that have made our relationship stronger. In this post I shared about the foundation of our marriage, why it's important to us, and how it allows us to face storms together.

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Personal photo projects to fuel creativity

Every photographer needs a personal project to keep their creativity and passion alive. For me and Chad recently, the opportunity to capture the stories of what God is doing through our church in Raleigh (Elevation RDU) has been so refreshing. We look forward to volunteering every other week in this way, and it's exciting to be growing a team of photographers & storytellers for our campus. All so that people far from God will be raised to life in Christ. If you're interested in joining us, let us know! 

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Passionate about people and their stories

We're passionate about people and their stories. We believe life is beautiful—flaws and all—and should be captured and preserved in its most genuine form. We take joy in making artful photographs of unique details and candid moments that tell true, visual stories of the people we meet.

You can learn more about our philosophy, how we met, and see some of what we do when we're not working on our About Us page.

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Chad & AmberAmberComment
Cling to God's Promises

I have a tendency to be forgetful. You? Sometimes I seem to forget the things I've struggled through in my past and all ways I have grown. Sometimes I need to slap up a big fat reminder of what God has told me so that I don't forget it. Sometimes in order for my heart to see clearly, I need my eyes to see Scripture before my head has a chance to invent distraction.

I wanted to share the Scripture that Chad and I are clinging to this year as our mantra and also challenge you to do something similar.

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